The tiger in pregnant dreams represents a baby with good luck in life will be born no matter a boy or a girl. Dreaming that you were sitting on a tiger and play, or you are bitten and bleeding by a tiger that was ran towards you, or that a tiger had flung into your arms, all indicates you will get a baby boy. If the tiger came to the house or is hugged, it means a daughter.
See DetailIn pregnancy dreams, if you see a dragon with horns, a dragon with a wish-fulfilling pearl in mouth, or a dragon head, this usually indicates that you will get a handsome son. If you see the dragon tail, or ride on the dragon, it means that you will get a beautiful daughter.
See DetailFor pregnant women, dreaming of chili generally indicates a boy. Picking only one chili in the chili field implies that you will only have one son in life.
See DetailWhen dreaming of red pomegranates, peaches, cherries or wild grapes, the chances of having a girl are great. Dreaming of pears indicates that a boy.
See DetailIf the pregnant woman dreaming of the strong yellow cattle with horns represent the son, and the docile cow or the cow with great strength but no horn, or two cows mean a daughter.
See DetailIn pregnancy dreams, the big snake usually represents boy, and the black snake represents the girl. If a big python is wrapped around your body
See DetailIf a pregnant woman dreams that she was riding a black horse in the wilderness or saw a wild horse running, it means that she is carrying a boy. Dreaming of a white horse, or a pony following you, it indicates a girl.
See DetailPigs symbolizes wealth and blessed with good fortune in pregnancy dreams. The black pig represents you will get a boy and if you to white pig in dream, you are more likely to get a girl.
See DetailFor pregnant women, dreaming of a deer with a horn usually represents a son, and a beautiful sika deer mostly represents a daughter.
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