As the guardian beast of the mountain god, the tiger in pregnant dreams represents a baby with good luck in life will be born no matter a boy or a girl. Dreaming that you were sitting on a tiger and play, or you are bitten and bleeding by a tiger that was ran towards you, or that a tiger had flung into your arms, all indicates you will get a baby boy. If the tiger came to the house or is hugged, it means a daughter.
8 user(s) find the result is right (100% Accuracy).
R***** Reviewed
So I had a dream and saw a tiger coming closer to me in my room jumping and being playful. I was 9 months pregnant when I had the dream and I gave birth to a baby girl
S***** Reviewed
Yesterday my wife seen one dream two baby tiger playing bath basket what does this mean she is pregnant.
N***** Reviewed
I had a dream that a tiger came up to me and put his head in my belly and looked at me like I know you have something precious in your belly and then I told the tiger that he was free and he could do whatever he wanted and he didn't want to leave.
S***** Reviewed
Saw a family tiger 2 baby tiger jumped at me but didn't hurt meand i got up
M***** Reviewed
I really want a son, I am 6 months pregnant in my dream I watched a tiger eat my family in water one by one until it was my turn to be eaten
t***** Reviewed
My mom had a dream that a tiger sat next to her. Then she had me, a daughter.
H***** Reviewed
I'm hoping it's a boy I had a dream last night and I had to feeding alot of tiger so somehow mad them mad and they was coming towards me to get revenge so I hope it's a boy
D***** Reviewed
I get a boy. When I was in pregnancy period, I once saw a tiger jumping at me but not bite me. It just saw me and I saw that tiger in dream. It did nothing just stare at me.
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