Linea Nigra (Belly Button Line)

71 Reviews 69% Accuracy
A linea negra (also linea nigra, pregnancy line or belly button line) is a dark line on abdomen. It runs vertically from the navel down to the pubis and sometimes up to the  top of abdomen. It is usually a side effect of pregnancy for pregnant women.

Linea Negra (Belly Button Line): Long or Short

It’s said the long belly button line of expectant mother which extends all the way up to the top of tummy means boy while the short line which stops at your belly button means girl.

Linea Negra (Belly Button Line): Thin or Thick

The thin belly button line of mother-to-be generally means boy while the thick means girl.

Reviews (71)

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49 user(s) find the result is right (69% Accuracy).
Z***** Reviewed
My linear nigra is thin and long but how I wish this myths is true coz I truly want my first born to be a boy.
O***** Reviewed
R***** Reviewed
Yes the first myth was correct for me in both pregnancies. I was having linea nigra from lower to up the belly button and I had a baby boy. But the second time the line was down the belly button wo I had a baby girl.
M***** Reviewed
I have my normal life ,eat anything I see but tommy line is only at the top of my tommy what could be the gender
S***** Reviewed
It's long dark line but I'm having girl another time.
M***** Reviewed
I have a long line and am having a girl.
P***** Reviewed
I have a thick line lower the belly button and thin upper the belly button and am 17 weeks am still experiencing morning sickness since day one.
M***** Reviewed
I have a full long light shade line on my tummy.but having a baby girl…Every body type is different these are all myth..!!Even I didn’t have any morning sickness,nausea or anything else from start of my pregnancy..!!so just chill everyone have a different symptoms it doesn’t have any effect on baby gender..
N***** Reviewed
I had a severe morning sickness up to 6months
N***** Reviewed
It's my 13th week... Just started to have linea nigra below belly button. Don't know anything for sure.. and clearly don't know about gender.. frm Pakistan
I***** Reviewed
I had thin line but I have girl baby
D***** Reviewed
Correct information
N***** Reviewed
Mine is not straight but it's somehow thick and long coz the first one starts in the middle up to the chest
s***** Reviewed
I have a thin line from the beginning of my tummy down to my belly button then from there a thicker line I expecting a boy or a girl
S***** Reviewed
I have a long thick linea nigra. No morning sickness since day one. Eats anything so long as it's food. This would be my first child. I am eight months now. Baby kicks more often since month five till now. Scan says it's a girl.
N***** Reviewed
Short and thick linea nigra...but no idea of gender..from india
A***** Reviewed
De zwarte lijn van mijn eerste zwangerschap was een dik, zwart en lange lijn en hij was een jonge. Tweede zwangerschap had ik geen lijn tot ik 25 weken oud was, de lijn kwam eruit en dat was ook een jonge en nu ben ik weer zwanger en de lijn is nu dun.
A***** Reviewed
In my first trimester i had this line just below the belly button n can it continue to grow more above the belly button or not in the 5th month..
K***** Reviewed
I have thin line from bottom to up my ribs I thought it is boy l am 36 weeks pregnant but I don’t know really
M***** Reviewed
expirencing morning sickness at my first trimester, now i dont have appitite for foods but im 31 weeks pregnant, i have a cross linea nigra vertical and horizontal lines

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