Fetal Heart Position

18 Reviews 72% Accuracy
It is said the prediction of baby gender by the position of fetal heart can be up to 90% accurate. After the 8th month, your baby will not turn around again and again in your womb. If the fetal heart is on the left, it means you are having a baby boy while the right fetal heart suggests you are having a girl.

Reviews (18)

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13 user(s) find the result is right (72% Accuracy).
A***** Reviewed
Feel on right but ultrasound says anterior left.
S***** Reviewed
Yes I feel my baby is in the right side but still I didn't check my baby gender I'm really excited to know what I expect?
a***** Reviewed
baby is currently moving in the right side
H***** Reviewed
Right Side Boy
F***** Reviewed
I felt fetal heart position on left side and its a girl now.
B***** Reviewed
Baby fetal heart is at the left but am having different symptoms of a girl
J***** Reviewed
My baby is on the right
S***** Reviewed
Mine left but it's a girl
M***** Reviewed
My baby is on the right side, and I’m having a boy! :)
V***** Reviewed
My baby is on left.
T***** Reviewed
I have been feeling my baby's heartbeat most on the left so i dont know what to expect
M***** Reviewed
Fetel heart position is right
K***** Reviewed
Now I am pregent but now mostly my baby is moving in left side so I think it's a boy baby
A***** Reviewed
Right side
S***** Reviewed
Mine is on the right
M***** Reviewed
I fell my boy is on the left side. Ultrasound shows a boy.
V***** Reviewed
Fetal heart was on the left side, I have a girl now.
M***** Reviewed
My boy's fetal heartbeat position is left.
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